What is the treatment for HIV?

There is no functional cure for HIV or AIDS, meaning that there is not currently a procedure or medication which has been scientifically proven to eliminate the virus from a person's body or reverse the damage to the immune system.

There have however been many advances in HIV treatments and therapies in recent years, and these have dramatically improved the quality of life of people with HIV. More people then ever with the virus are able to live a long and healthy life.

If you are diagnosed with HIV, you will take regular blood tests to monitor the progress of the HIV infection before starting treatment. This involves monitoring the amount of virus in your blood (a 'viral load' test) and the effect that the infection is having on your immune system.

If you test positive via freetest.me, you will be contacted by your local screening and given specialist care in your local area.

About Freetest.me

The freetest.me service offers free chlamydia testing and HIV testing in participating regions. Simply visit freetest.me to see if you're eligible to order a free STI test kit.

Proudly operated by Preventx from Sheffield.
