Our Test Kits

What will arrive?

Once you've completed your STI test kits order, your kit will arrive in the mail within a few days (we send kits via 1st Class Mail). In some areas of the country, and depending on the options you choose, you may be offered other test kit variations such as oral and rectal swabs or additional tests, such as for gonorrhea.

The kits are small and discreet - the box is sent in a white plastic bag with no identifying markings or logos!

What's in the test kit?

Your kit contains all the bits you need to collect your sample and return it to our laboratory for testing.

Your kit contents may differ from that shown, because we include just parts you need for the sample you are collecting.

How do I collect my sample?

We've created a set of videos to help you:

View Self-Sampling Videos

Our basic kits will require either a urine sample, or a vaginal swab however. Both samples are really quick, easy and painless to collect and full instructions are included.

Some services may also offer you additional swabs to test for oral and rectal infections.

Our 4-in-1 Kits will also check for blood-borne infections such as HIV, so require a small blood sample.

If you're not comfortable with collecting the blood sample, you may not wish to choose this kit. However, if you try but are unable to collect a blood sample, don't worry as we will still test your swab or urine.

Returning Your Test Kit

Once you've taken your sample, ensure you have completed the included form (but keep the top part - you may need it to collect your results).

Place your sample and the form back in the box and seal the box shut making sure the tabs lock tightly.

We've already paid for the postage (it's freepost), so you can simply pop the kit in your nearest postbox as soon as you can.

Getting Your Test Results

You will receive your results via the method you chose when requesting the Chlamydia test.

You may also track your specimen and collect results any time via our tracking system.

Please note: We are not able to provide any written confirmation of results.

About Freetest.me

The freetest.me service offers free chlamydia testing and HIV testing in participating regions. Simply visit freetest.me to see if you're eligible to order a free STI test kit.

Proudly operated by Preventx from Sheffield.
